LCSD Board Minutes 10/12/2021




DATE: October 12, 2021

TIME: 6:00PM

LOCATION: Hybrid Meeting (in-person at District Learning Center and online)

PRESENT: Barry DePaoli, Jeff Fehr, Ken Brunner, Kim Thorpe, Barb Polley, K.C. Knudson, Todd Hausman, Erik Peterson, Sarah Clarke, Erin Morin, Brian Wood, Dave Rinehart, Sarah Sanderson, Terry Sanders, Brooke Sanders, Carrie Austin, Danita Breeze, Jayme Berg, Jennifer Polley, Jose Mendoza, Kris Perry, Kristi Collins, Laura Clinton, Michelle Fanton, Tammy Williams, Tara Cunningham, Lindsay Wood, and Georgia Mashayekh.  Lynda Foster was absent.



  • Call to Order

Jeff Fehr called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

  • Approval of Agenda

There were no changes to the agenda.

Barb moved and Kim seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented; motion carried.

  • Public Comments or Request on Non-agenda Items

Dave Rinehart came to talk to the Board about the importance of a School Resource Officer (SRO) being in the buildings.  He shared his history with the Chelan Police Department and being the SRO with Lake Chelan School District in the past.  He feels that when there is someone visible at the buildings that students and staff feel safer and know that they have someone to talk with.  He is offering his experience and services as a School Resource Officer this year.



  • Teaching & Learning – K.C. Knudson

K.C. Knudson, Director of Teaching and Learning shared a presentation covering the Academic & Student Well-being Plan, Inclusionary Practices Project Update, K-12 Literacy Adoption, Highly Capable Program, and Lake Chelan Online Academy.

He explained plans to take the ESSER funds and use it equally across all of the years that it is available to keep these projects and student support going for several years.

Sarah Sanderson and Terry Sanders are the District Inclusionary Practices Teachers.  They work alongside the District teachers with the following programs: BEST Mentorship, Lab Instructional Classroom, and UDL (Universal Design Learning). More teachers are getting involved in UDL as they can learn new lessons and see the connections of student learning from elementary through high school.  These programs are opportunities for teachers to engage in continuous professional development throughout the year on a local basis.

First IPP (Inclusionary Practices Project) Team Meeting happened with school districts from around the state last week.

K-12 Literacy needs to be in place for UDL to work.  A consistent, core comprehensive curriculum that is aligned to state standards will provide continuity throughout grade levels and  help our students learn through a continuum.

Highly Capable Fall Referral window is open now until October 29th.  Eligibility testing will occur the first two weeks of November.

Lake Chelan Online Academy 2021-22 has 9 K-8 students (4 in MS and 5 in elementary) enrolled in the program.  This is the 1st year for LCSD to offer a full online school program for the full year.


  • MOE – Erin Morin

Erin thanked Todd Hausman, Rachael Jacobus, and Reece Bauer for creating the presentation as it was a team effort.  This presentation included enrollment numbers, COVID Health & Safety, Student Achievement in Reading and Math Proficiency based on iReady assessments, Student Discipline Data (referral times, behavior, location), and Interventions.

Erin shared an article about how persistent stress changes brain architecture that leads to difficulty in regulating emotions, controlling impulses, focusing attention, and following directions.  Many students react with anger and aggression.  The persistent stress is something that affects everyone.

iReady assessment will be administered for all students 1st – 5th grades three times a year.  The last normed assessment was in 2018, so student scores are being referenced against pre-COVID statistical averages. Until new norms are developed, iReady assessments remain better suited for measuring growth.  There are many variables this year that are expected to affect the data.  Classroom teachers use iReady skills as an entry task into the classroom on a daily basis.

Administrators across the nation in public schools and universities are seeing gaps in student academic and social levels from age level. This is a great reason why UDL is so important to meet the needs of all students. This year teachers, particularly at the 4th and 5th grade levels, are having to adjust their lessons to help students remember what they may have learned a couple of years ago.

Erin shared the Student Discipline Referrals by Time, Behavior, and Location (Minor and Major).  Most referrals have been coming from the playground as students are playing hard like they do at home.  They are struggling in playing in ways that are more structured on the playground.  MOE uses a discipline tracking software called SWIS and this gives data about times and behaviors leading to referrals.

MOE is using several interventions this year to mitigate student learning and emotional well-being:  #1-Healthy Relationships, #2 – Social Emotional Learning, #3 – The GOAT Room, #4 – School Counseling (different classes each month), #5 – Universal Design (UDL), and #6 – Tap In/Tap Out program for staff. The counselors and staff are spending time focusing on Monthly Character Traits.

Creating the GOAT Room last year has been instrumental in helping our students. The GOAT Room averages 12.5 visits per day with the most students staying about 5 minutes.  Students are learning to recognize when they need to some time to refocus and using the room appropriately.

AFTERS for All is an opportunity to embed enrichment and learning into the school day. This was based on the success of embedding STEAM classes during the 2020-2021 school year.  All of the feedback from students, staff, and parents say that kids are excited about science, art, and math.  Students are engaged and excited about learning.  Teachers stay with their classes to help support and learn during the AFTERS for All enrichment.


  • CSI – Erik Peterson

Enrollment is up 5 students to 26.

CSI is partnering with MOE for recess, working to help the younger students with recess and game rules.

CSI has been taking hikes to explore, learn, and study several subjects.  Several students have never been on a major hike before, so there is quite a bit of growing and learning. Other trips and experiences include:

  • Trip to Walla Walla for the Wind Energy Program
  • Involvement with Highway Transportation for Adopt a Highway program by the airport.
  • THRIVE: built a mini storage closet

Mr. Peterson is grateful for the Increased counseling support from Reece and Rachel, this has been very good for students.

CSI received an IGrant last year that has made a large impact with the ability to purchase all sorts of curriculum, supplies, and equipment to support students in their academic and wellness interests.



  • Superintendent – Barry DePaoli

Barry shared his presentation covering current COVID updates, COVID Response, and provided an overview of Capital Projects Update.

Barry shared information about the revival of the flat top, and Sargent Field upgrades. In both cases the district was able to use funds from leases rather than seeking additional dollars through a capital levy.

Thank you to the maintenance and custodial team for all of the upgrades to the bleachers, locker room, restrooms, and track storage containers at Sargent Field.


Barry reviewed several areas pertaining to the District’s COVID Response Plan including nursing support for contact tracing and testing, State Tournament Travel Protocol, and COVID-19 Facilities Use Compliance for Indoor Sports as part of requesting the use of District Facilities.



This was a 1st reading.

  • BP 5001 – Hiring of Retired School Employees

Kim moved and Barb seconded a motion to approve the updates to BP 5001 as presented; motion carried.



Barry answered questions from the school board.

Kim moved and Barb seconded a motion to approve Payables as presented; motion carried.

Barry explained the personnel changes.

Kim moved and Ken seconded a motion to approve the personnel changes as presented; motion carried.



  • To discuss the performance of a public employee with no action to be taken. RCW42.30.110

Jeff moved the Board to executive session at 7:22 pm for approximately 20 minutes to discuss the performance of a public employee with no action to be taken.



Jeff Fehr reconvened the board to regular session and adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm.

_______________________________         _______________________________________

Jeff Fehr, Board Chair                                                      Barry DePaoli, Superintendent

Comments are closed.