Click here for a PDF Version of the Letter Below

Date: 04.06.2022
To: Washington State Board of Health
From: Barry DePaoli, Superintendent Lake Chelan School District
RE: State Vaccine Mandate

Dear Board  Members:


I am writing to strongly encourage you to accept the TAG workgroup’s recent recommendation to NOT adopt a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for school-age children.

Similar to many communities across our state, Chelan has experienced divisiveness as a result of disagreements that arose due to mitigation measures imposed over the course of the pandemic.  A new vaccination mandate will only serve to further disrupt an educational environment already dramatically impacted by the pandemic.

During the recent legislative session, the legislature recognized the enrollment losses as a result of the pandemic.

A new vaccination mandate for the upcoming school year will further contribute to declining enrollment in our school district and also contribute to increasing the number of students whose social, emotional, and academic progress is impacted.

At this point in time, parents maintain the choice and responsibility to have their children vaccinated or not.   I believe that parents want what is best for their children and the COVID-19 vaccine is readily available for those who choose to receive it.

Please allow more time for the COVID-19 vaccination for school-age children and younger to be studied before making the vaccine mandatory.  This will go a long way to heal our community and rebuild trust amongst the patrons of our school district as well as districts across our state.




Barry P. DePaoli,

Superintendent, Lake Chelan School District

LCSD COVID-19 Dashboard


Click on the links & photos below for PDF versions

Click on the link below for the Chelan-Douglas Health District COVID19 website.  On their website, you can see general information, symptoms, incident rates per county and individual cities.