LCSD Board Minutes 01/14/2020



DATE: January 14, 2020

TIME: 6:00 PM

LOCATION: District Learning Center

PRESENT: Barry DePaoli, Jeff Fehr, Lynda Foster, Ken Brunner, Agustin Benegas-Garcia, Kim Thorpe, Heidi Busk, Sarah Clarke, Scott Granger, Todd Hausman, Brad Wilson, Brian Wood, Erin Morin, Shelley Charlton, FBLA Students, Erik Peterson, Nancy Wilmot, Madison Latter, Alejandro Hernandez, Brynn Fielding, Clara Domser, Riley Ayling, Jacob Allen, Jasmine Lopez, Caden Doggett, Scott Renick, and Georgia Mashayekh


  • Call to Order

Jeff Fehr called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

  • Approval of Agenda

Barry said that Rob Rainville will not be in attendance due to other meetings.

No changes to the agenda.

Ken moved and Agustin seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented; motion carried.

  • Public Comments or Request on Non-agenda Items

There are not public comments.

Barry shared that January is School Board Appreciation Month and he thanked the board for their service to the district.  He read the Appreciation Proclamation from the WA State Governor.



  • MS Gratitude – Sarah Sanderson

MS ASB students: Bryn Fielding, Clara Domser, Riley Ayling, and Jacob Allen, came to personally thank the board for all that they do for the school district as part of the State’s Board Recognition month. They brought snacks and a poster for the Board.

  • HS FCCLA – Nancy Wilmot

Jazmine Lopez and Caden Doggett gave a presentation about what FCCLA is and events and plans for this school year.  Information was presented about their meetings, community service projects, Taste of Chelan (May 1, 2020), Regional Meeting, and competitions.

Caden is a WA State FCCLA officer serving as the Vice president of Community Service for Washington’s 2019-2020 SEC.  He is working on competitions and community service projects. He will run for state office again.

  • HS FBLA – Shelley Charlton

Alejandro Hernandez and Madison Latter gave a presentation about the FBLA Club including participation statistics, community service, upcoming events, competitions, What’s New, Real World Branding for WA State (branding of a new apple), events at the regional and state conferences, officer team, and their annual goals.

The club is building a mobile application to help manage club membership, organization, and management.  This is a competitive event across the state.



  • Highly Capable – Heidi Busk

Heidi shared a presentation about the District’s Highly Capable Program.  The Hi-Cap Handbook is being translated at this time and finalized to get out to the community.

The presentation covered the program mission, goals, number of students served, identification, assessment screeners, demographics, services offered, Instructional Program Descriptions, grade level supports, and program evaluation.

Upgraded identification practices has allowed the district to serve a broader base of students this year. Referrals for the 2020-2021 school year will start in March.

  • Career & Tech Ed – Scott Granger

Scott gave a presentation that covered the different pathways in CTE, sequencing within the pathways, classes offered at CHS, dual credits with state universities/colleges, Five Year Approval Cycles, future class option, and program specific advisory committees.



  • Barry DePaoli

Barry handed out a draft Levy flyer for school board to review and asked for any input prior to sending the flyer to the community.  The draft is being translated with a goal to get out by the end of the week.

Brad, Barry, and Rob went to a recent meeting of ADs (Athletic Directors), principals, and superintendents of the CTL (Caribou Trail League).  Quincy has decided to join the CTL which will allow our league to continue to receive 2 state allocations.  Okanogan has opted to move to the 2B League.  WIAA is working on school classifications that include free and reduced numbers in reclassifying teams.

DLT (District Leadership Team) meeting on 1/14.  Professional development is being planned for next year for the three teacher days. Topics for consideration include Social Emotional Learning, Differentiation and managing difficult student behavior.  The administrators are working through a focused plan for the PD (Professional Development).

January 24th will be big night for CHS with many highlights at the Hall of Fame Inductions during the basketball game with league rival Cashmere.  This year 4 new inductees will be included in the Hall of Fame along with the Jersey Retirement of former Chelan Goat Joe Harris.

Barry spoke about students needing a third math credit for graduation with a need for more real-life math applications. Modeling Our World With Mathematics will provide a new course offering at the HS. Teacher Paula Fitzpatrick will be qualified to teach the class this fall.



Barry lead the board in discussion about returning students to a classroom and the WAC (WA Administrative Code) wording of the procedure.  With the work and training that is being done in the district currently, Barry feels that classroom behaviors are being addressed and better understood.  With this in place the administrators have the authority to determine when students return to the classroom after an exclusion.

Administrators have been reaching out to other districts about learning PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Systems) and discipline rights and practices. Teaching kids behavior is an important part of education for all buildings and administrators. Discipline and consequences are being discussed proactively with the most challenging students.  The elementary school is working with a behavioral consultant to design effective plans for challenging students.

Scott Renick answered any questions about the updates to BP 6100.

Lynda moved and Kim seconded a motion to approve BP 6100 and to delete the Procedure; motion carried.



Scott and Barry answered questions about the Payables.

Ken moved and Agustin seconded a motion to approve Payables and Payroll as presented; motion carried.

Barry talked to the board about the personnel changes.

Lynda moved and Kim seconded a motion to approve the personnel changes as presented; motion carried.

Ken moved and Lynda seconded motion to approve the requested Highly Capable iGrant; motion carried.



  • To discuss the performance of an employee with no action to be taken. RCW42.30.110

Jeff moved the board to executive session at 7:23pm for approximately 20 minutes to discuss the performance of a public employee with no action to be taken.



Jeff Fehr reconvened the board to regular session and adjourned the meeting at 7:40pm.


___________________________________                        _____________________________________

Jeff Fehr, Board Chair                                                                                Barry DePaoli, Superintendent

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