LCSD Board Minutes 07/14/2020




DATE: July 14, 2020

TIME: 6:00 PM

LOCATION: Online Video Conference

PRESENT: Barry DePaoli, Jeff Fehr, Lynda Foster, Ken Brunner, Agustin Benegas-Garcia, Kim Thorpe, Stefani Morgan, Brad Wilson, Todd Hausman, Rich Uhlhorn, Melanie Froman, Carrie Austin, Bev Cady, Jennifer Polley, Jody Petersen, Amber Corrigan, Camisha Hughbanks, Laura Clinton, Alicia Lopez, Sabraa Greenway, Sarah Clarke, and Georgia Mashayekh



  • Call to Order

Jeff Fehr called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

  • Approval of Agenda

There were no changes to the agenda.

Ken moved and Lynda seconded to approve; motion carried.

  • Public Comments or Request on Non-agenda Items

There were no public comments.



  • Website Workgroup Update/Proposal – Stefani Morgan

Barry introduced Stefani Morgan and explained the reasoning behind the changes to the district website.

Stefani shared what criteria the workgroup looked at for a new website.  It was narrowed down to five companies and looked at their platforms on the phone and on the computer.  One of the biggest issues for clear communication with the school website is that most of our families use their phone for computers.  This means that it is important to have a strong translation program, good calendar, and ease of use with the management side.  The lead company in this review was Cevado/ Earth Sky Studio which is a local company and they will be able to make the site what we want and need.  The timeframe to get the website transitioned is about 4 weeks.



  • Re-opening Schools update

Barry shared a presentation about guiding principals and timeframe to reopen schools. Reopening schools is a huge topic across the nation and is changing drastically every week.  Many districts are choosing to start the 20-21 school year remotely.  The Lake Chelan School District needs to be prepared for three different scenarios:  full open, hybrid rotating schedule, and remote learning.  Guiding principles are Health and Wellness (ensuring safe environments for staff & students), Equity of access to learning opportunities, Instruction, Training for staff, students, and parents and Communication.  Barry went over the re-opening planning timeline from May 2020 – September 2020.

Administrators will lead the work group planning and have several focus areas to work on to prepare potential models of scheduling.  Board members will be on each committee and there will be a review of student cohorts for rotating schedules.

Barry spoke about the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that Rosey Burkhard is working on with the LCSD departments, Chelan/Douglas DOH (Dept. of Health), and WA DOH.  There are many health and safety requirements with cloth face coverings, health screenings, cleaning and disinfecting, and hygiene practices.

Social Emotional Wellness will be a big part of bringing students back to school and there will be screening and evaluation for all students and staff.  There is review and preparations for protocol in facilities, transportation, and technology.  Barry is working slow and steady on these plans to make them as solid as possible in an ever-changing environment.

The Chelan Basin Conservancy is asking if they can locate a sign next to Sargent Field to remind visitors to protect the lake.  The board would like to research this some more to make sure that this sign would not be an issue for the district property.

Barry walked the MS/HS parking lot last weekend to count the number of boats and trailers that are there for overnight and day parking.  For many years people have used the public-school parking lot at no expense with favorable proximity to the boat launch.  With the growth of houses and visitors to the lake it has become an issue that adds extra wear and tear to the asphalt and causes parking issues when there is a school or community event.

The board talked about concerns of management, clearing the parking lot, fire department needs, liability and enforcement of rules.  Barry will be meeting with Bob Goedde, Chelan City Mayor, about partnership with the city and will talk with legal counsel about liability.

There will be interviews for the Business Manager on Thurs. 7/16.

  • Early Learning

Barry and Todd are sitting in on a national cohort on Early Learning every month.  They found that there is a grant that is available to build new or remodel space for PreK needs.  There is plenty of room for growth and collaboration with the local preschools.  The board had several questions and discussion about where students could be moved for PreK and CSI.



  • BP 3131- District Attendance Area Transfers

Kim moved and Lynda seconded a motion to approve the updates to BP 3131 as presented; motion carried.

  • BP 5202 & Procedure – Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing

Ken moved and Agustin seconded a motion to approve the updates to BP 5202 & Procedure as presented; motion carried.



Lynda moved and Kim seconded a motion to approve the new website proposal as presented; motion carried.

Ken moved and Lynda seconded a motion to approve Payables as presented; motion carried.

Kim moved and Agustin seconded a motion to approve the personnel change as presented; motion carried.



  • To discuss the performance of an employee with no action to be taken. RCW42.30.110

Jeff moved the board to executive session at 6:55 pm for approximately 30 minutes to discuss the performance of an employee with no action to be taken.



Jeff Fehr reconvened to regular session and adjourned the meeting at 7:25 pm.

________________________________________               ________________________________________

Jeff Fehr, Board Chair                                                                                      Barry DePaoli, Superintendent

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