LCSD Board Minutes 11/12/2019




DATE: November 12, 2019

TIME: 6:00 PM

LOCATION: District Learning Center

PRESENT: Barry DePaoli, Jim Colbert, Jeff Fehr, Agustin Benegas-Garcia, Erin Morin, Heidi Busk , Brian Wood, Brad Wilson, Erik Peterson, Todd Hausman, Kim Thorpe, Adam Poush, Ella Polley, Bella Gatzemeier, and Georgia Mashayekh



  • Call to Order

Jim Colbert called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

  • Approval of Agenda

There were no changes to the agenda.

Jeff moved and Agustin seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented; motion carried.

  • Public Comments or Request on Non-agenda Items

There were no public comments.



  • Interact Club – Advisor: Adam Poush

Ella Polley and Bella Gatzemeier gave a presentation about how the CHS Interact club is doing this year.  They went over their goals for the year, how they will be focusing on the Chelan community, what they have done since their last presentation, members who were chosen to be foreign exchange students next year, Rotary luncheon exchange, yearly fundraiser, and community service in 2019.

Bella shared her experience with the Interact club in Costa Rica last year and talked about the work that they did there.

Barry thanked Adam and the students for the work that they have done for their local and international communities.



Barry updated the board on the Capital Projects with information about the funds available after spending on: technology, retainage to be paid, funds set aside, and funds committed to projects.  He also explained some of the current projects in process and under review.  This is a working document, so some of the costs and projects will change depending on needs expressed by staff and community.

There will be meetings with staff and the community to plan for future wants and needs.

  • WSSDA Conference
  • Meeting with Manson Board on Friday morning at 7:30 am
  • Board Dinner on Friday evening at 6:30pm
  • Conference schedule is posted, looking forward to learning at the conference



  • Morgen Owings: Erin Morin

Erin presented her SIP (School Improvement Plan) including Guiding Coalition, Data-Based Needs Assessment & Action Planning with explanation of where MOE is, data points on the Staff Self-Reporting CEE (Center for Educational Effectiveness) Survey & Staff Perception of Colleagues CEE Survey, PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Systems) data and comparisons, State assessments achievement, Goals/Priorities for the building, Action Steps to meet the goals, and Strength & Growth areas.

Discipline referrals at MOE are below the national averages.  There was a question about why the numbers may be low for referrals.  Erin explained that there are several reasons that they see the referrals low including; conversations, student expectations, good students in the building, and the implementation of restorative justice practice.

Barry complimented Erin for the work with the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) team. He complimented Todd on the Veterans’ Day Assembly with MOE.  The organization of the assembly and behavior of the students was outstanding.  The veterans who were invited where moved at being honored.  Todd praised his student leaders as they facilitated the assembly.

There was discussion about the biliterate classrooms and how students were progressing in this learning environment.

  • Chelan School of Innovation: Erik Peterson

Erik shared an informational sheet with a Summary/Highlights and the School Improvement Work Aligned with District Themes.  A challenge this year will be getting all students to pass the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) assessments.

There are 31 students at CSI this year with the possibility of more enrollment.  There are 14 students on track for graduation.

Right now, students are working on a Midterm Assessment & Progress Reports.  Part of this process involves self-assessment and one-page reflection.  The advisor also performs an assessment with the student on the same learning and competency categories.

His report covered academics, assessments, community services, field trips, opportunities, career & college exploration, district collaboration with MOE and Preschool, social and emotional curriculum, and student projects.  Erik shared a handout for the CSI 2019-20 Schoolwide Plan.



  • Teaching & Learning: Heidi Busk

Heidi shared a presentation on her work in the area of Teaching and Learning.  She reviewed a previous discussion with the Board about PD (Professional Development) and focus on Strategies for Improvement.  PD is happening after school and over 80 teachers have signed up for the classes. Teachers are learning about their literacy Intervention, Beginning Spanish for Educators with Gonzalo Fernandez Pinillos (LCSD Migrant Recruiter), Formative Assessment with Andy Boyd (NCESD), Cultural Competence with Heidi, New Teacher Instructional Framework & Evaluation with Heidi, calendar, and Paraeducator Certification Training with a Fundamental Course of Study Checklist.

As the district transfers into using the Google Platform there will be more need for PD training for all staff.

Having the District Learning Center and the Conference Room at the District Office has been a bonus for the professional development this year.  Not only the extra space, but it is a welcoming space that the staff is excited to come to.  With trainings in the district, it makes it easier for teachers to attend without leaving the classroom or traveling.

There was some discussion around the para schedules and fitting in Professional Development around their time, conferences, and translation needs.

  • Superintendent: Barry DePaoli

Barry shared a letter from the management company for the Naumes Property at Apple Blossom Center that there is a $200 annual fee that is collected from each land owner and the fee will be paid to the school district to maintain the ball fields.

He also shared a Levy Primer & FAQs that is a draft copy before going online. There will be a Levy Forum on Wed. 11/20 at 6:30pm in the District Learning Center



This is a WSSDA version that was reviewed and updated by Paul Clay, district attorney.  He looked over this WSSDA procedure for all districts since there is so much focus on cultural competency and equity. An accompanying handbook has been created also.

Barry shared with the board that he will be sectioning out the procedure to allow for a more efficient review process. As a result of this new policy, there will a need to be focus on staff training.



Agustin moved and Jeff seconded a motion to approve the Payables as presented; motion carried.

Jeff moved and Agustin seconded a motion to approve the Personnel changes as presented; motion carried.



To discuss the performance of an employee with no action to be taken. RCW42.30.110

Jim moved the board to executive session at 7:45pm for approximately 20 minutes to discuss the performance of a public employee with no action to be taken.



Jim Colbert reconvened the board to regular session and adjourned the meeting at 8:00pm.


_________________________________________                           _______________________________________

Jim Colbert, Board Chair                                                                                          Barry DePaoli, Superintendent

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